¥FOXES¥ Clan Forum
¥FOXES¥ General => WANT TO JOIN US? => Topic started by: Green_Pencil on June 16, 2024, 06:07:58 PM
1. In-game name: ¥FOXES¥ Green_Pencil
2. Age:18
3. Country:Kazakhstan
4. Reason:I like BF 1942 and the name of clan
5. Discord:Green_Pencil
welcome to foxes
Hi Green_Pencil and welcome to ¥FOXES¥! Glad to hear you're interested in joining our community. Your application progress has started. We will have an internal vote and if we deem you a fit candidate for the community, you will join us as a ¥FOXES¥ Rookie. If all goes well, after a month or so your rank will be upgraded to full member!
Keep in mind that we won't allow you to wear the tags until you've been admitted into the clan.
Thank you for understanding and see you on the battlefield! :)
tja hej :)