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Messages - ¥FOXES¥ SharpShooter65

Hi DJData, I Have changed my callsign to SharpShooter65 as there us already a Sharpshooter in the clan.  I have added tags to my profile as well Nice to be onboard  Thank you :)
GENERAL / Re: Salutations SharpShooter!
February 10, 2025, 08:47:31 PM
Thank you, PoN,   It is nice to be here  Cheers
Hi DJData, Thank you.  So I can wear the Foxes tags now?  Best, James
Good day, Foxes!  I want to be considered for clan membership.  I am a former member and admin of Ventaus Una (=Vu=) and Poor Knights (=Pk=) clans.  I have been playing BF42 since 2005.  My call sign has always been SharpShooter or "Sharpie" when I am in Teamspeak or Discord Channels. Here are the answers to your questions.

1. In-game name: SharpShooter
2. Age:60
3. Country: USA
4. Reason: To be a member of an active and fair-minded clan again
5. Are you on Discord? If so, provide your username: sharpiesharpshooter #2187

I also requested access to Foxes Facebook page as James Shenton

Best regards, James "SharpShooter"